Monday, February 1, 2010

Fort Worth Texas

On Sunday we all took a trip to Fort Worth Texas to watch Martha race. She was racing in the WNFR(World National Finals Rodeo). It was so cool to watch the finals. She had ran that night to qualify to run the next day. We walked into the shoot with her. She walked her horse around a lot so he could get used to his surroundings because he was a little spooky.the coliseum seamed to go on forever. Up on the ceiling was flags. American and Texas flags hung. We found our seats and waited for the race to begin. It started with the grand entry. The grand entry starts with a drill team of horses. They all hold flags and stand for the National Anthem. Then the race began. There were broncs, calf roping, steer wrestling, Team roping, saddle bronc, bull riding, and barrel racing. Martha ran and placed 7th out of 175 riders. she qualified to ride the next day. She didn't come home so I'm assuming she qualified for today. Today we started the colts on the barrels. Fred(now known as Ellie) did well trotting around the barrels but when we tried to lope to them he did fin going to first, but couldn't pick up his correct lead going to second. It is important that horses pick up the correct lead going to barrels so they can balance better. If he is on the incorrect lead then he will not be able to make a good turn. We were unable to pick up the correct lead so I asked Terrie if he could ride him tomorrow to see if he can get him to pick it up. After we ride we go into the office and help the girls in anyway we can. Sometimes we need to stuff envelopes for clinics, move and organized files, working on the website, etc. everything has been a little busy because we now have two new colts. We have them for three days to see if we like them. If not we send them back to where they came from. One is a little all hyper and very rude on the ground. She walks all over you and doesn't care to much about you. The other is head shy, meaning she doesn't like it if someone touches her head or above her ears and is a little shy in general. We will probably end up sending them back because they are not what we are looking for. They are good project horses for individuals but not for an actual sale barn. Not everyone made the football team.

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